Doy Kim

Doy Kim is a graduate student in the Learning Sciences area of the Educational Psychology department. Doy is currently working with Dr. Mitchell Nathan, studying the impact of directed action and gestures on geometric reasoning. Before joining UW-Madison in 2019, he received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mathematics Education. Professionally, Doy worked as a researcher for Korea Educational Broadcasting System developing online video content for middle school mathematics. He also worked as the manager of the training department at the Center for In-service Teacher Education in South Korea developing curriculums and organizing training programs.
During his M.Sc, he studied the relationship between students’ gestures and understanding of rational numbers in a digital learning environment from an embodied cognition perspective. This was part of his work as a research assistant for the Glocal Changes and Educational Response project, funded by Social Sciences Korea.
Outside academia, Doy was formerly a proud service member of the US Army and is now a passionate tennis player in Madison.