Quantitative Methods Graduate Students

Current Students

Graham Buhrman

Graham Buhrman is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology and studying with Dr(s). Jee-Seon Kim and James Pustejovsky. His research interests include causal inference, observational data, robust regression, and machine learning.

Victor Feagins

Victor Feagins is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology and studying with Dr(s). Jee-Seon Kim and James Pustejovsky. His research interests include Experimental Design, Causal Inference, and Dependent Data.

Paulina Grekov

Paulina Grekov is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology working with Dr. James Pustejovsky. Prior to joining the Educational Psychology department, she taught upper-elementary special education. 

Kjorte Harra

Kjorte Harra is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology working with Dr. David Kaplan. She received her bachelor's degree in Psychology at Gustavus Adolphus College. She has served as a teacher’s assistant for a graduate-level educational statistics course and is currently a project assistant for Dr. David Kaplan. Her research interests include Bayesian methods and their applications to large-scale assessments and social science research.

Mingya Huang

Mingya is a Ph.D. student in Quantitative Methods working with Dr. David Kaplan and Dr. Sameer Deshpande. She is pursuing research in Bayesian statistics, machine learning, clustering models, and causal inference. Currently, her work focuses on Bayesian nonparametrics and its application in large-scale clustered data.

Tai Sun Jeong

Tai Sun Jeong is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology. He is studying with Dr. James Wollack. His research interests include test security, item response theory, and machine learning. Tai Sun is currently working as a project assistant at the UW Testing and Evaluation Center.

Lionel Meng

Lionel Meng is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Educational Psychology department studying with Dr. Daniel Bolt. His research interests are related to theory and application of psychometric modeling, particularly in relation to International Large-Scale Assessments.

Sinan Yavuz

Sinan Yavuz is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology. Sinan working with Dr. David Kaplan and his primary interests are in Bayesian approaches for educational research designs, Bayesian growth models in education, Bayesian approaches to missing data analyses, and extensions of Bayesian model averaging to multilevel models.

Jingru Zhang

Jingru Zhang is a doctoral student in the Quantitative Methods area within the Department of Educational Psychology. She is currently working with Dr. Jee-Seon Kim and Dr. Pustejovsky. Her research interests lie in the development of statistical methods that probe into questions in educational research, which serves better evaluation of educational programs and further informs policies and practice. Jingru is currently working as a project assistant at the UW Testing & Evaluation Center in Madison.