Garbacz to Examine Family-School Partnership Intervention to Promote Children’s Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Competencies

Andy Garbacz, Associate Professor in the School Psychology Program, was recently awarded a grant of $4 million from the Institute of Education Sciences for a five-year project to examine the efficacy of a family-school partnership intervention for promoting children’s social, emotional, and behavioral competencies.

Working in collaboration with school professionals, the team will examine the family-school partnership intervention, Teachers and Parents as Partners. Teachers and Parents as Partners brings parents and teachers together to work collaboratively as they support a child’s social, emotional, and behavioral competencies. The team will investigate Teachers and Parents as Partners for improving the parent-teacher relationship, parenting and teaching practices, and child outcomes. Over the course of five years, 60 elementary schools and 720 students will participate.

Andy’s work focuses on family, school, and community partnerships to promote family wellbeing and youth mental and behavioral health, with an emphasis on equity and cultural responsiveness. He is a licensed psychologist and licensed school psychologist.

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