Shaffer awarded the Kellett Mid-Career Award

David Williamson Shaffer

The School of Education’s David Williamson Shaffer is one of 33 UW–Madison faculty who have been awarded fellowships from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) for 2021-22.

Shaffer, the Vilas Distinguished Professor of Learning Sciences in the Department of Educational Psychology and a data philosopher at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, received a Kellett Mid-Career Award, which supports those who are seven to 20 years past their first promotion to a tenured position.

The award was created to provide support and encouragement to faculty at a critical stage of their careers. The honor, named for the late William R. Kellett, a former president of the WARF board of trustees and president of Kimberly-Clark Corporation, comes with $75,000 that may be spent over five years.

Shaffer studies the unification of qualitative and quantitative research methods. He is the faculty director of UW’s Masters in Learning Analytics program, a former Marie Curie Fellow, and a founding member of the International Society for Quantitative Ethnography.

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